
Frequently Asked Questions about Nuuk and Greenland 

How do I travel to Nuuk and Greenland from Europe, North America, Asia and other places?

Air Greenland operates a direct service all year between Copenhagen, Denmark to Kangerlussuaq and Narsarsuaq, Greenland. There are daily flights on weekdays between Copenhagen and the main airport, Kangerlussuaq in Mid Western Greenland and flights a few times a week between Copenhagen and Narsarsuaq in the South of Greenland. During the summer months there are additional flights on Saturdays to Kangerlussuaq.

From either Kangerlussuaq or Narsarsuaq there are local flights to all the major towns in Greenland. For booking and information please go to www.airgreenland.gl

Air Iceland operates direct routes during the summer months from Reykjavik, Iceland to Nuuk three times a week and to Ilulissat five times a week for 2010. For booking and information go to

www.airiceland.is Air Iceland is a subsidiary of Icelandair which operates routes to both Europe and North America. www.icelandair.is  

Do I need a visa to go to Nuuk, Greenland?

Usually citizens from the European Union and Scandinavian countries, North America, Australia & New Zealand do not need a visitor’s permit to visit Greenland. Citizens from all other countries should contact the nearest embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in their own country for specific information, as visa rules for Denmark apply to Greenland as well. Although Greenland has a large measure of autonomy, Greenland is still part of the Kingdom of Denmark.  

What is transportation like in Greenland?

There are no roads connecting the towns and settlements in Greenland. No train systems, subways or metro. The only way to travel within Greenland is by air or by boat. Only in a few places in Greenland is it possible to hike over rough terrain between towns and settlements.

During the summer months a ferry boat runs along the West Coast of Greenland from Ilulissat in the North to Qaqortoq in the South. For information, booking and prices on this ferry boat please contact Air Greenland Travel at nuuk@agt.gl  For information on flights within Greenland please go to www.airgreenland.gl  

What kind of currency is used in Greenland?

Danish Kroner is the standard currency used in Greenland. The Bank of Greenland in Nuuk will exchange common currencies like US dollars Canadian dollars, British Pounds and Euros. Tourist offices, souvenir shops, most hotels, some restaurants and some shops will accept foreign currencies. International credit cards like VISA and MASTERCARD are readily accepted. However in most shops, restaurants and hotels a pin number is needed.

Nuuk Tourism accepts Danish Kroner, US dollars Canadian dollars, British Pounds and Euros and credit cards VISA and MASTERCARD.    

Do I need to book flights, boats, hotels etc. before I arrive?

In Greenland most people travel during the summer months and flights, boats, hotels, tours are usually heavily booked. We strongly recommend that you have everything booked before you arrive in Greenland, especially transportation and accommodation or you may find yourself stuck in a settlement for days with no place to stay.

Several travel agents offer package tours to Greenland, some covering several towns and at a good value. Please go to www.greenland.com for further information on travel agents. Nuuk has very good airline connections to the rest of Greenland and outside of Greenland, but our accommodation places are always heavily booked so early booking is essential.  

What languages do people speak in Greenland?

The main language in Greenland is Greenlandic. There are three major dialects of Greenlandic, West Coast Greenlandic, East Coast Greenlandic and Inughuit which is spoken by the people in the Qaanaaq region. Greenlandic is an Inuit language. Similar languages are spoken all across the Arctic from Siberia across Alaska and Canada to Greenland. The main foreign language used in Greenland is Danish.

English is spoken in all tourist offices, tour agents, hotels, most souvenir shops and restaurants. Some also speak other languages like German and French.

At Nuuk Tourism we speak Greenlandic, Danish, English, French, German, Faroese, Swedish, Spanish Arabic and Berber.  

What kind of clothing will I need?

Clothing will depend on what time of year you are travelling. Winter requires a good warm coat or jacket with wind breaking abilities. A hood on the coat or jacket is recommended. Warm sturdy boots are essential. Snow pants, mittens or gloves and a hat are other items you will appreciate wearing in winter.

For clothing in summer you will be well off wearing fall or spring clothing used in more temperate climates. Good walking shoes or boots, and wind breaker all weather jacket, a warm fleece sweater and thermo underwear. You may also consider bringing a hat and gloves if you are planning on going out on a boat. The trick is to dress in layers as summer can be very warm one minute and then freezing cold the next.

In general there is no dress code in Greenland. People dress very casually both for work and leisure, but will dress up for parties and special events. If you are here on a business trip, business casual is fully appropriate both for meetings and for dinners at restaurants.

When visiting Nuuk be sure to bring a swimsuit so you can enjoy Malik, our big beautiful indoor public pool with saunas. 

What is the average temperature in Nuuk?   

During most of the year in Nuuk the temperature is somewhere between plus 5 degrees Celsius and minus 5 degrees Celsius. In winter the temperature can get down to minus 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. But more often temps in winter will range between 0 and minus 10 degrees Celsius.

In summer, on a very warm day it can get up to 20 degrees Celsius. This might not sound like much, but on a day with no wind and sun almost round the clock, it will feel very hot. Bear in mind though that the wind in Nuuk is always chilly – even when it is not blowing.     

Is it possible to rent cars in Nuuk?

Nuuk has a few companies who rent out cars. Prices are around DKK 5-600 for a day. Please contact Nuuk Tourism for further information.  

Can I use my cell phone or laptop in Nuuk and in Greenland?

If you telecommunications company has a roaming agreement with Tele Greenland you will be able to use you cell phone in Greenland. Cell phones have a good range in Greenland as all towns and settlements are covered, and in the larger towns like Nuuk, parts of the fiord system are also covered. When phoning a local number in Greenland, all you need to do is dial the six digit number. When phoning home you will need the country code for your country.

Denmark 0045 + the number, Sweden 0046+number, Norway 0047+number, Great Britain 0044+number, Germany 0049+number, USA and Canada 001+area code+ number, Iceland 00354. If somebody phones you in Greenland they will need to use Greenlands country code 299.

In most hotels you will be able to use your laptop. In Nuuk we have an internet café, Barista which is open every day from 11 am to 11pm. 

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